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California Lunch Break Law 2025 – All You Need to Know

California has very comprehensive and strong labor laws that prevent employers from taking advantage of their employees. These laws work to protect employees’ rights and provide them with the means they need to hold their employers accountable. One of these important rights that is often violated, sometimes unintentionally, is the California lunch break law. Understanding this law is important, regardless of your situation. If you’re unsure about your rights as an employee, consider learning more about what rights you have as an employee.

What Exactly Is the California Lunch Break Law?

According to California labor laws, any qualifying worker who works at least five straight hours per day is entitled to a meal break for at least 30 minutes, and this must be provided by their employer. If that worker’s entire workday lasts a total of six hours, then they may voluntarily waive their right to a meal break that day but only if their employer agrees to it as well.

If the worker in question is working a 10-hour day, they have to be provided with another 30-minute break by their employer. This break, too, can be waived by mutual consent from the employee and the employer but only if the first meal break was not waived. There are various exceptions regarding these rules throughout the California workforce, such as the farming industry or even the film industry. The rules may be different in those fields.

California Lunch Break Law

What Additional Rights Are Connected to Meal Breaks?

The whole concept of a “lunch break” may sound innocuous. You may view it as an opportunity to grab a sandwich and then get back to work as soon as possible. In California, a meal break is so much more than that. A meal break is a legal obligation that your employer must provide for you, or else they risk violating California labor laws. That violation could result in severe legal penalties for your employer, who could be found guilty of mistreating employees.

Refusing to provide a meal break can be a clear violation of wage and hour laws. If your employer is openly refusing to let you take a lunch break, you may want to start documenting these refusals and speak with an employment lawyer to see if you have a case. Here are some of the additional rights that you are afforded during your meal breaks under California’s labor laws:

  • It is your time. Never forget that your lunch break is an unpaid slice of your time in the middle of your workday. Use it however you see fit, so long as your actions do not violate additional policies set forth by your company. If you want to call your friends, watch an episode of your favorite show, or read a book, that’s your decision to make. Make sure you look into company policies so you don’t break any rules.
  • It can’t be interrupted. Remember that your meal break is, above all, a break. You do not have to do any additional work or have it interrupted by your employer trying to get you to do some unpaid labor. If you choose to work through your meal break, that is your decision to make, but you still have to be given the option to take one by your employer.
  • Take it anywhere. Generally, you do not have to stay on company property during your break. Go wherever you want, so long as you return by the time your break is over. Go enjoy a meal in a restaurant, go shopping, see some friends, or do whatever else you wish. It’s your time. Enjoy it.

FAQs About California Lunch Break Law

Q: Can I Work Six Hours Without a Lunch Break in California?

A: Yes, you are legally allowed to work six hours without a lunch break in California but only if those six hours comprise your entire shift for the day. If your shift is longer than six hours, you have to be provided with the opportunity to take a lunch break for at least 30 minutes. It’s up to you to decide if you want to take that break, but you have to be offered it so your employer isn’t violating the state’s labor laws.

Q: What Is the Current Lunch Law in California?

A: As of 2025, California’s comprehensive labor laws require every qualifying employer in the state to offer their employees a 30-minute meal break for every five hours worked. This break has to be totally uninterrupted by the employer. Employees are not required to do any work during their break time, so employees can choose to use it in whatever way they wish. This time has to be provided prior to the final hour of the shift.

Q: Does the Eight-Hour Workday Include Lunch in California?

A: No, the typical eight-hour workday does not automatically include lunch. It does, however, provide at least one 30-minute meal break and two 10-minute rest periods. Some employees, particularly administrative or executive employees, may be exempt from certain lunch break laws in California. Either way, employees must be provided with their meal break before the end of their fifth hour of work.

Q: Can I Skip a 15-Minute Break at Work Under California Law?

A: In California, it is your right to choose whether you want to accept your rest periods. You are allowed to skip a 15-minute break at work if you want, but it needs to be your decision. Your employer cannot force you to skip your break. California labor laws require employers to provide the opportunity for their employees to take breaks. Legally, you do not have to take them if you don’t want to.

Reach Out to an Employment Lawyer When You Need One

Every worker who is nonexempt in California has the right to receive a meal break or turn one down. If your employer tries to pressure you into giving up your break or not taking your lunch, you may want to document that interaction. Then, reach out to an employment lawyer to see if you have a case. The legal team at Canlas Law Group, APLC, can review your case and determine which further measure can advance your interests. Contact us to speak to a team member about a consultation.

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