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Author Archives: Christopher J. Canlas

Facts you should know about workplace slip-and-fall accidents

Perhaps you’ve worked your entire 30-year construction career without suffering a single injury, but last Friday was the day. You slipped on a wet spot and broke your hip. It could be months before you can get back…

Obtaining Social Security Disability is possible with good help

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are meant to be there for the people who need them. If you’re hurt and unable to work for a long period of time, you may qualify for these benefits depending on your…

3 things to know about filing a workers’ comp claim

After years of working in a Cerritos machine shop, you have seen your fair share of accidents. You have even had a few close calls yourself. In reality, it only takes a moment for a catastrophic injury to…

Asian-American police speak out after being discriminated against

With many different people with different cultures and backgrounds living in America, it’s never been more important to be courteous to one another. Making fun of someone’s accent or heritage simply isn’t acceptable. When someone does something that…

How many fatal injuries take place at work every year?

When you go to work, you want to know that you’ll also come home safely. For some people, that simply isn’t how the day will end. Occupational injuries result in fatalities every year, and as a result, many…

Workers’ compensation denied? Get the benefits you deserve

You got hurt on the job and expected your employer to help you get the compensation you deserved through workers’ compensation. Just a little while after your accident, you are told that workers’ compensation has denied your claim.…

Can an at-will employer fire you for any reason?

Being wrongfully discharged from a job is something you should stand up against if it happens to you. It’s not your employer’s right to fire you in certain circumstances. For instance, if he or she doesn’t agree with…

What can qualify you to receive Social Security disability?

Imagine you develop a serious and permanent illness or disability. This medical problem has left you unable to work and unable to earn an income to support yourself and your family. It can be terrifying to have your…

Working families absorb the costs of injuries

As a working parent, the last thing you ever wanted to have to deal with was a work-related injury. By not being at work, you’re not bringing in an income. Without an income, you can’t provide for your…

A hostile work environment: What it is and is not

When you started your new job, you immediately had concerns. The first day, a coworker commented on your figure. The second day, your boss winked at you, and you thought it was a little unusual. You’re attractive, but…

When does teasing become harassment?

You’re new on the job, and it goes without saying that you expected to have some teasing from others as you learned the ropes. What you didn’t expect was for coworkers to tease you on a more personal…

When does an employer have to pay employees?

There are times when you may not be working but still have to be paid. Under federal law, your employer may be required to pay you for your time if you are on-call, traveling for business or even sleeping while…

Uber launches new insurance coverage for its drivers

If you work for a company as an independent contractor, you may not have a right to workers’ compensation. That doesn’t mean you can go without coverage of any kind, though, because if you do and get hurt,…

First aid for low back pain: Don’t delay in getting treatment

Depending on your profession, it’s possible that you could suffer a low back injury at some point. For example, this is a big concern among people who lift heavy items, day in and day out. When it comes…

What are the top reasons for a workers’ compensation denial?

You hope that you never suffer an injury on the job, but you realize that this could happen even if you are as careful as possible. If you find yourself in this position, thankfully, you may look into…

The importance of Social Security Disability: The facts

When some people talk about Social Security Disability (SSD), they act like it comes out of their own pockets each time someone receives it. The truth is that SSD is an insurance coverage you have to work to…

How can you prove workplace discrimination?

Discrimination can happen anywhere, from moments when you’re walking down the street to times when you don’t receive good service at a restaurant. Discrimination shouldn’t happen, but if it does, it’s important to take steps to eliminate it…

3 women hit Google with lawsuit for unfair pay

imagine not being paid what your coworker makes just because you’re female and he’s male. You’d be insulted, frustrated and upset. You’d also have the right to pursue a lawsuit against the company responsible for the ill treatment…

Employees have a right to a workplace without discrimination

Discrimination violates your civil rights in California. The Ralph Civil Rights Act states that it is illegal for anyone to be violent toward or to threaten to be violent toward a person because of his or her national…

Discrimination isn’t appropriate in the workplace

If you’ve come to California to work as an immigrant, then you know you occasionally face some hardships. You may struggle with an employer who is not treating you well or be concerned that you’re not being paid…

New bill could stop sexual harassment by venture capitalists

Imagine wanting to build up your business. You need to gain investors, but some of the investors only want to invest in your company if you’re willing to give them a little something on the side. As a…

This serious disease can develop from mineral dust exposure

Pneumoconiosis is a disease caused by breathing in small dust particles from mineral deposits. The risk of developing this disease is most common among those who work with mineral dusts in high concentrations, like miners. Not using the…

Can you file a wrongful death claim after a worker death?

When you got the call that your spouse was killed, you knew that workers’ compensation would kick in. For you, that didn’t seem like enough. You knew that the accident was a result of negligence, and you want…

Social Security Disability claim denied? Try this

The Social Security Administration (SSA) wants to make sure that your application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is correct and that decisions are made based on factual information. As such, the SSA takes time to carefully consider what…

Youth pastor sues over wrongful termination, harassment

A youth pastor has sued the Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church over sexual harassment. She claims that the new pastor’s behavior was inappropriate, which forced her to resign. The Aug. 8 news report discussed the formed associate pastor’s…

These are the facts about your Californian pay day

You work hard at your job, and you want to know that you’re going to be paid in a timely manner. Lately, your check hasn’t been coming on its typical day. You’re worried that your employer might be…

Things to know about a denied workers’ comp claim

When you file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, you hope to receive your first payment in the near future. While this may happen, you always have to concern yourself with a denial. If your claim for workers’…

Construction tools that can cause serious injury, death

There is no doubt that the use of construction tools can speed up the completion of a task, while also ensuring accuracy. There is also no doubt that the improper use of construction tools can result in serious…

This is how Title VII helps you in the workplace

Any employee in the workforce should be aware of the Title VII protections provided by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII is there to prohibit employers from discriminating against those who have different backgrounds. For example,…

What is a constructive dismissal

Constructive dismissal is a special type of wrongful termination claim. It is also known as a constructive discharge. This happens when the employer makes working conditions so bad that the employee must quit. To file a claim for a…

Tick bites: Employers could be liable for illnesses that result

Employers may never have thought of this before, but if an employee suffers a bug bite that leads to infection or illness while working, they could be held liable for that injury. For example, in California, Lyme disease does…

Do you deserve more money for working overtime in California?

In California, there are laws that protect workers who work overtime. While there are some positions that are exempt from overtime laws and regulations, the majority of people working in the state are able to seek overtime if…

California temp workers fare better than other temps

If you are a temporary worker in California, you are in a better position now than you were just a few years ago. Additionally, you enjoy more protections from workplace abuses than many of your counterparts in other…

Migrant workers may receive Social Security disability benefits

If you are a migrant worker in California, you are doing back-breaking labor for very little money. But that is only one of the drawbacks to this career choice. For instance, are you aware that only 2 percent…

Predesignate a doctor in case of a workplace injury

In an emergency, the last thing you have on your mind is which doctor you want to see. Most people just want to feel better, to stop bleeding or to get pain medications to help them feel normal.…

Woman files lawsuit after harassment on LinkedIn

Sexual harassment can be a serious problem for an employer. With the age of the internet, using social media can help support recruiting new people to your business, but it can also turn a situation sour when harassment is involved.…

Age discrimination is real in today’s workplace

Age discrimination is a real problem in America’s workforce. You may spend all your time working for a company for decades, but when you reach a certain age, there is a possibility that someone may believe your age…

You deserve a workplace free of discrimination

Workplace discrimination has no place in the culture of a workplace. It hinders performance and places stress on individuals who do not deserve it. It can hurt a person’s chance of moving up in business or may prevent…

You deserve workers’ compensation for occupational illnesses

The workers’ compensation system is supposed to be there to help those who are hurt on the job. The problem is that some people are not given all the benefits they deserve as easily as they should receive…

Slow, quiet injuries are a risk to workers

There are dozens of injuries you could suffer from on the job, and many happen due to accidents or sudden traumatic events. Others are dangerous because they’re lurking beneath the surface. Your organs or bones may be suffering…

How state whistleblowing laws protect California workers

California Labor Law Section 1102.5 defines a whistleblower as an employee who witnesses and reports suspected cases of illicit activity by their employer. There are a number of different types of violations that might be deemed illegal that…

Anti-discrimination laws protect you on the job

If you’ve been terminated from your position at your job, it’s vital that you understand if it was a legal termination. If you were wrongfully terminated for any reason, you actually have a legal case against your employer.…

Who determines if I meet Social Security disability requirements?

When you file your claim for disability benefits in the local Social Security Administration (SSA) office, the purpose of your initial interview is just to determine if you meet the non-medical requirements of disability. The Social Security claims…

An Uber worker says he was fired for reporting sexual harassment

A complaint that was formally filed with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing on May 18, 2017 accuses Uber of having fired him after he approached the company’s human resources (HR) department to question their handling…

When your California workers’ comp claim gets denied

Getting hurt on the job can have a number of unexpected results. You may struggle with the downtime as you recover. You may experience increased tensions with other family members because of your constant presence in the home.…

As an employee, you are guaranteed rights in the workplace

You go to work every day in the pursuit of a career that will support you and give you the income you need to do the things you love. As an employee, there are many rules and regulations…

Did retaliation cost you your job?

You count on your job to survive. You need to pay your bills and get the things you need. Without your job, you can’t do that. Now, you have a problem because you either lost your job or…

Understanding the SGA requirement to receive disability benefits

Under the U.S. federal insurance program, individuals can receive compensation if they are unable to work because of a disability. However, certain requirements must be met before applicants can obtain compensation. The inability to perform “substantial gainful activity”…

Injured during lunch? Your workers’ comp claim could be denied

The last blog post discussed whether employees in the state of California injured during rest periods or lunch breaks were covered under workers’ compensation laws and entitled to benefits. Generally speaking—the answer is yes. Rest periods are part…

Harrowing numbers show the extent of workplace fatalities

Something troubling happened in California in 2015. In one year, 388 workers were killed at work. This means that an average of just over one person left for a work shift and didn’t come home each day of…

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