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Can you be fired for changing your religion?

When you took your job, your employer never explicitly asked you what your religion was, but it was fairly obvious to all involved. You could tell that most of the other employees in the office followed that religion. This served as something of a common bond, and you could tell that the employer was intentionally trying to hire people who shared his or her beliefs.

You didn’t think too much of it at the time, even though it seemed strange, but now you’ve decided to change your religion. You consider this purely a personal choice, but your employer does not. They found out that you switched religions through the office grapevine, and now they’ve threatened to fire you. Is this legal in any way?

This is just religious discrimination

As you probably suspected, no, this is not legal and it is another form of religious discrimination. You cannot be fired based on your religion, nor can your hours be cut. It doesn’t matter if you change your religion or not. All religious beliefs are covered under this type of protection.

Be warned that your employer may attempt to hide this type of discrimination. For instance, they may suddenly start writing you up for all sorts of things that they never talked about before. What they’re trying to do is create a paper trail that suggests they’re firing you for another reason, when they’re really just trying to look for a way to get rid of you based on your new religion.

If this does happen to you, it can be frustrating and stressful. Make sure you take the time to carefully consider all of your rights as an employee and what options you have.

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