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Can you get Social Security Disability for headaches?

If you deal with regular headaches, then you know how serious they can be. You may miss work because you can’t come out of a dark room or stand the sound of people around you. Migraines, a specific kind of headache, may also cause neurological and physical symptoms that make it unsafe for you to drive or do your work.

If you have regular migraine or headache days where you are unable to work or care for yourself, there is a potential that you could seek Social Security Disability benefits.

Can you always get Social Security Disability for migraines?

If you have migraines here and there, you probably won’t be able to get SSDI for them. However, if you’re living with chronic migraines, then you may be able to qualify.

Did you know that migraines are the sixth most common cause of disability in the world? Knowing this, you should be aware that there are different options for you. If you work, you may qualify for short-term or long-term disability. If you don’t have a policy through your employer, then you may be able to get support through the Social Security Administration.

What do you need to apply for SSDI?

To apply, you will need to gather your medical records and evidence of your migraines. You may need your patient ID numbers, a migraine diagnosis, a treatment plan and other information detailing how your migraines are disabling. You should have documentation from a specialist, such as a neurologist, and be able to explain the symptoms of your migraine attacks.

On top of all this, you will need to list your work history. That way, the Social Security Administration can see how often you’re able to work (if at all).

Your work history matters, because you need to show that you have enough credits to qualify for Social Security Disability. If you do, then you will need to fill out an application and make sure your evidence is copied, so that the SSA has all of the information it needs to make a determination on your claim.

Don’t be surprised if your initial claim is denied. You have the option of appealing a denial so that you can fight for the benefits you deserve.

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