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Death benefits through workers’ compensation

If you have lost a loved one after a tragic workplace accident, you have probably gone through a wide range of emotions. Dealing with a loss can take a long time to come to terms with, and it is normal to feel an overwhelming sadness as well as other emotions such as anger or guilt.

It’s also likely that you have spent time ruminating on all of the possible ways that the accident could have been prevented. As a result, you may be considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit. You may also be wondering about your entitlements to workers’ compensation if you are a surviving spouse. The following are the basic claims that you will be able to make.

Workers’ compensation for funeral expenses

The average cost of a funeral is around $8,755. As a person who has recently lost their spouse to a workplace accident, you should not have to face financial difficulties in addition to the emotional grief that you are processing. In general, workers’ compensation insurance will cover the full cost of funeral expenses and the burial.

Workers’ compensation survivor benefits

Workers’ compensation policies usually provide financial benefits to dependents and close relatives of the deceased employee. The amount paid out will depend on a wide range of factors such as the number of dependents and the average salary of the deceased worker. If there are no eligible dependents, the benefits will likely be added to the deceased person’s estate.

If you are currently grieving the loss of a loved one due to a tragic work incident, you should take the time you need to contemplate the loss before actively seeking workers’ compensation survivor benefits.

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