Confidential consultation 24/7 (323) 888-4325

Employees have a right to a workplace without discrimination

Discrimination violates your civil rights in California. The Ralph Civil Rights Act states that it is illegal for anyone to be violent toward or to threaten to be violent toward a person because of his or her national origin, age, sex, marital status, gender identity, political affiliation and sexual orientation. The act also protects other people, and this list is not all-inclusive.

Discrimination is prohibited among all aspects of the housing business. That includes mortgage lending, applications and public or private land-use, to name a few. Additionally, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act makes harassment and discrimination in employment based on race, color, sex, medical condition and other factors illegal.

If you work in California, you are guaranteed the right to leave if you are disabled due to pregnancy. Additionally, you are entitled to reasonable accommodations at work if you are pregnant or disabled. Individuals who report discrimination are protected against retaliation by law.

It can be hard to stay in a workplace that doesn’t respect your rights, and you shouldn’t have to. There are ways you can protect yourself and get away from the harassment and discrimination you face. Your employer is aware of the laws for employing people, and violating those laws could be a willful act intended to cause you pain or harm.

For more information on employee rights, you can visit our website. You need to know that you’re not alone, and this situation is not unusual. You have the right to be heard and respected by your employer and coworkers in the workplace at all times.

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Confidential consultation 24/7 (323) 888-4325