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How to react to a job loss

Losing a job can be one of the most difficult situations to deal with in life. You may have invested years of time and effort into your work and felt loyal to the company and its mission. Therefore, when your employment is terminated unexpectedly, you may feel like you have been betrayed, and it can feel difficult to know how to react.

If you have recently lost your job, the following are some smart ways to take action to ensure a positive future.

File for unemployment compensation

If you were not fired for misconduct, the best thing you can do is to file for unemployment compensation as soon as possible. This will likely enable you to collect unemployment compensation to help meet your daily living expenses for a certain amount of time.

Collect your final wages from your employer

It’s important that you do not forget about the wages that your employer owes you. No matter the circumstances of your employment termination, your employer still owes you compensation for the hours that you have worked.

Consider making a wrongful termination claim

If you believe that your employment termination was wrongful, you have the right to make a claim against your employer. For example, you may believe that your employer retaliated against you or discriminated against you, and that this was the reason that you were fired. If you are successful in your claim, you may be able to gain significant amounts in damages or have your role reinstated.

You must consider all of your options after losing your job so that you can carve out the best possible future for yourself.

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