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Immediate treatment is necessary for a fractured hip

A fractured hip will impact you in many ways. In addition to the pain and discomfort, you’re likely to find it impossible to walk. This will lead you to receive immediate medical attention, with the hopes of finding relief in the near future.

Treatment for a hip fracture depends on many factors, including the severity and location. While not always the case, most fractures require surgery, rehabilitation and medication to make a full recovery.

There are several types of surgery used to treat a hip fracture, including:

  • Partial hip replacement: If the end of the bone is fractured, your medical team may suggest a partial hip replacement.
  • Total hip replacement: Many studies show that a total hip replacement, as opposed to a partial replacement, increases the odds of a better outcome.
  • Internal repair: This typically entails using screws to hold the fractured bone together, as to ensure it heals in the appropriate manner.

Regardless of the type of surgery you require, rehabilitation is a big step in ensuring that you regain full strength and flexibility. In most cases, you’ll begin rehabilitation the day after your surgery.

If you suffer any type of hip injury, don’t assume you can treat it at home with rest and ice. It’s better to be safe than sorry, as attempting to live with a hip fracture can result in additional complications.

Anyone who suffers a hip fracture on the job should report the incident to their employer. Along with this, share updates regarding your recovery, as you may need to file a workers’ compensation claim if you’re unable to return to work.

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