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Routine documents spark additional filings in discrimination case

In an ongoing case between a former principal and a California school district, new allegations have been added to the suit after a document indicated that the principal had been terminated. The case originated from claims about pregnancy discrimination; the woman’s lawyer made a statement indicating that he has heard from other teachers and professionals in the school district since filing the suit. He says others have reported similar struggles with discrimination.

The principal in question is currently on an extended leave, according to the school district. This is also, apparently, what the principal and her attorney believed to be the case. However, when she filed a request for tax documents, W-2s for the earnings periods requested were not immediately ready. Instead, the school board opted to send her a printed earnings report. On those forms, she was listed as terminated.

Her lawyer is planning to amend the suit, as termination without cause other than her pregnancy or discrimination filing is obviously not legal. However, the school board reports that she is not, in fact, terminated. It says that the unpaid status of her leave required the designation in that particular document, but that the woman remains on a 39-month rehire list and is eligible to return to work at any time, though she might not receive her exact position back.

The woman is also claiming that the superintendent of the schools made biased comments about her and about the case in a meeting. Reportedly, the woman’s husband was in attendance at this meeting when the comments were made. All of these types of details can be important in a discrimination lawsuit. If you are dealing with discrimination of any type at work, consider reaching out to a legal professional for assistance.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Attorneys adding claim of wrongful termination to pregnancy-discrimination lawsuit against La Cañada Unified,” Sara Cardine, March 29, 2017

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