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What is more dangerous about some professions over others?

A USA Today investigation last year revealed that 5,147 workers died accidentally on the job in 2017. One of the leading causes of those deaths is accidental drug overdoses. This isn’t the only reason for worker deaths though.

National Safety Council (NSC) data shows that the three most common causes of workplace deaths are long-distance driving, close contact with heavy machinery and working at significant heights.

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data shows what fields are most dangerous of all.

Individuals who work in the fishing industry are most vulnerable to dying on the job. The BLS recorded a 100 per 100,000 worker fatality rate in 2017 for these industry workers. One of the reasons why individuals employed in this sector often die is because skilled medical care is too far away when they get seriously hurt.

The second most dangerous profession in the U.S. in 2017 was any logging one. There’s a death rate of 87.3 per 100,000 in this sector. Most of the workers who lose their lives in this profession do so after being injured by the heavy machinery that they use or after being struck by trees, logs and other objects.

Another disaster-prone job here in the U.S. is that of an aircraft pilot. Flight engineers are also at risk of dying on the job. Many of these individuals have quite demanding schedules. Their job is stressful, and they are given short resting periods. The combination of these factors can result in a deadly crash.

Rounding out the top five lists, there are roofers as well as recyclable materials or garbage collectors. Workers in these two sectors have a 45.2 and a 34.9 per 100,000 death rate respectively. Roofers are most at risk of slipping and falling to the ground. Sanitation workers are most vulnerable to becoming injured in transportation incidents.

The list of professions that are dangerous to work in is quite vast. Many California employers are required to give you certain break times, to train you in the use of equipment or to equip you with safety tools to keep you from getting hurt. An attorney can help you recover compensation from your loved one’s Los Angeles County employer if their inaction resulted in a loss of life.

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