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Workers’ compensation provides more than medical care coverage

You were enjoying your day at work when a coworker reported a younger member of the team making a dangerous error. The young team member didn’t take the advice of the other coworker, so you had to step in. Unfortunately, it was too late to prevent the error from causing harm, and you ended up on the wrong side of the tool.

While the coworker is upset and apologetic, that doesn’t help you get the help you need. What does is workers’ compensation.

There are different kinds of workers’ compensation benefits that you should know about. Workers’ compensation starts with medical coverage, but that’s not all it provides. Basic medical coverage through a workers’ compensation plan applies to all medical costs related to the injury. Medical coverage doesn’t typically have a limit and doesn’t require co-pays or deductibles in most situations.

Workers’ compensation plans also provide disability benefits, benefits for rehabilitation and death benefits. Any time you suffer a disability at work, you could be eligible for disability benefits temporarily or on a longer-lasting schedule. Disability benefits may be based on the severity of your injury and how it affects your work in some states, unlike federal Social Security Disability (SSD), which requires you to be fully disabled and unable to work enough to support yourself.

Workers’ compensation provides many benefits as a way to help provide for those who are hurt on the job. If you can return to work, that’s great, but if not, it’s there as a safety net to help you as you apply for long-term disability coverage.

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